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Increase Your Chances of Pregnancy After Undergoing IVF Treatment

Accepting the reality of one’s infertility can be incredibly overwhelming. In the initial stages, one might even be in denial of their situation. However, it is imperative to note that rejecting the notion of infertility will not get you anywhere. As soon as one accepts the reality of their condition, the earlier one can seek treatment from the best IVF centre in Srinagar. Medical science has made enough advancements that undergoing any of the assisted reproductive technologies has become the norm in the last few years.


This does not negate the fact that undergoing an IVF treatment or any other form of assisted reproductive technology can still be extremely intimidating and daunting for anyone. Most, if not all, couples seek guidance and treatment from the best IVF centre in Himachal only after going through a few failed attempts of conception. Therefore there is an element of desperation when a couple undergoes the IVF procedure. One is ready to try a number of things to ensure a successful conception. 


It is important to acknowledge here that every person is different. Although the suggestions found on the internet could have helped some people, it might not be the case for you. Consult your fertility experts and IVF care provider before doing anything.

Maintaining Your Health and Wellness is Key

You need to make sure that you are sufficiently healthy to not only undergo the IVF treatment, but also be able to successfully conceive and carry out the pregnancy to full term. By making yourself ready, you increase your chances to get pregnant in the aftermath of the IVF treatment procedure. One also must make sure to not put oneself in stressful situations.

Follow the Medication and Treatment Regimens Meticulously 

When you are under the care of the best IVF centre in Srinagar, chances are that your doctors will put you on a set medication and treatment schedule. One must make sure to follow and take all the medications, including the IVF injections, on time. Any unnecessary delay can disturb one’s hormone levels. This disruption could impact your chances of falling pregnant. 

Thoroughly Ensure Embryo Quality  

The fertilised eggs or embryos have a huge impact on the success of the IVF cycle. One needs to make sure that they are taking the right steps to have the best possible embryo transplanted in their body. Preimplantation genetic testing can help one’s care provider to identify optimum quality of embryos, therefore can be used for the implantation process. 

Consider the Option to Freeze Excess Embryos 

If you have more than a few fertilised eggs at your disposal, it might be worthwhile considering freezing the embryos. If in the future you want to have another child, having frozen embryos can also increase the chances of a successful pregnancy after the IVF treatment. 

Diagnosis and Treatment of any Underlying Issue 

Another key element to enhance the success rate of becoming pregnant after going through the IVF procedure is to find if there are any underlying issues. Any untreated condition could hinder the prospect of a successful conception. Before one undergoes the embryo transfer part of the procedure, it is imperative to be able to receive an official diagnosis and undergo treatment of anything that could lead to your body rejecting the embryo. 


Finding a tried and tested successful IVF pathway is next to impossible. Every single person is different and so are their bodies. As much as it is important to ensure that one is taking the right steps during or after the IVF procedure, one must also consult the best IVF centre in Himachal before doing anything on their own. It is vital to ensure that your body is not harmed by any suggestions you decide to follow. 


Even something seemingly as trivial as changing one’s diet can prove to be incredibly helpful or hinder the progress you have made with the IVF procedure. In order to increase their chances of conception, one should always make certain that they are thoroughly taking care of their body and mind. You also need to optimise the quality of eggs and embryos produced. For the success of the procedure, it is imperative that you are able to strictly follow the medication regime set forth by your care provider.

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