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Why Tarpaulin Is Becoming a Trend in Office Design

heavy duty tarpaulin

Tarpaulin is a fabric material that is made of canvas and is waterproof in nature and it is mostly used for sheltering. In the recent past, Tarpaulin has become an exciting design feature in offices and other working environments. There are some other advantages that the material has, and which ensure that it is quite suitable for use in the office setting. If you are concerned about the current trends on office designs that incorporate tarpaulin, then continue reading to be informed.

Tarpaulin Gives Industrial Beauty To The Home

Tarpaulin, in its nature, cannot be mistaken for anything other than industrial material. The material used in the making of the heavy-duty fabric is commonly used in the construction sites and other outdoor wears. Having tarpaulin inside an office space gives an urban-ish /new-age/slightly rebellious feel. It is worth noting that the industrial theme can be rather welcoming and cozy. It also has a unique benefit of encouraging teamwork. The look is perfect for creative agencies, technology startups, and other innovative businesses.

Economic Solution for the Partition of Open Space Designs

Some of the contemporary office styles include the use of open floor plans. This is a good thing in a way because it gives the office an air of openness and collaboration, but it also leads to distractions. Tarpaulin is a very cheap method of sectioning large open spaces into smaller sections of alcove. The waterproof material can be cut into curtains to seal off meeting areas. It can also be used to create some sort of a barrier between desks especially in the short term. The use of tarpaulin allows for flexibility in making changes to the layouts.

Encourages Creativity and Idea Generation

This is because of the unconventional appearance of tarpaulin materials, which makes people begin to look at things in a different perspective. Research proves that environments devoid of any objects and structures, especially clinical looking ones tend to hamper creativity. Tarpaulin brings just the right dash of risk to really get the creativity going. The relaxed, unsystematic atmosphere challenges the workers to find creative solutions to issues. There is also increased collaboration between the different teams in the inventive business environment.

It is the process of making hard industrial materials such as concrete and steel more flexible.

Some modern business offices have concrete floors with exposed steel beams as part of their decoration. The appearance of these materials is somewhat unemotional and can even seem almost harsh or metallic. Using tarpaulin brings in warmth, texture and vibrancy in the interior design. The waterproof fabric makes industrial materials feel fresh. Tarpaulin is also effective in sound absorbance to eliminate or minimize echoes and noise.

Excellent Idea for Tarp Space To Encourage Its Employees To Congregate & Interact

They can convert any unused corner into a dynamic tarp space as shown below. Pull up a couple of walls with a tarp, add some bean bag chairs and voila, you’ve got yourself an irresistible hang out spot. Heavy Duty Tarpaulin spaces provide employees with areas to have informal one-on-one or group discussions. The comfortable environment of the relaxing cocoon brings success to collaboration. Tarp hideaways are fun and jovial to give employees a feel of what is new and keep them motivated.

Hard Wearing Material Designed For High-Traffic Living Spaces

Tarpaulin is fully watertight and stands very high resistance to wear and tear. It is rather dense thus it does not wear easily especially in areas with high traffic. Even though tarpaulin can be costly if used in large structures, the durability of the material makes it worthwhile. The fabric can remain clean and new looking with a simple wipe down occasionally. The tarpaulin material is non-stain and if by any chance it gets spoiled, it can be easily repaired. Due to the little tender that is needed when using it, it is suitable for offices with a lot of activities.

Tarpaulin is Flexible And Can Be Easily Altered Over a Period

Businesses in the current world require flexible office layouts that can accommodate the variability in staffing and business models. Tarpaulin is versatile in its usage at different points in time. As a result, tarp structures will not need permission or approval from the architectural department. The tarpaulin barriers can be easily shifted and changed as changes occur within the teams. It is therefore apparent that the ability to quickly transition the workspace arrangement benefits companies by minimizing time and expenses. For More Info

How to Use Tarpaulin in Creative Ways

Get inspired by these innovative ways to use tarpaulin in your office:

  • Phone booths for taking calls or deeply focused work
  • Mobile barriers to separate the open workstation areas
  • Armchairs, ottomans, and floor cushions
  • Ceiling canopies over lounges or cafes
  • Areas around the reception desks
  • Instead of having fixed large whiteboards for writing sessions in the meeting rooms, there should be portable whiteboards.
  • Temporary projection surfaces for presentations
  • PPE for mother’s rooms or wellness spaces
  • Used to cover structural columns in order to minimize the raw industrial look
  • Outdoor lunch meetings are best be held in this impromptu picnic area.
  • Gardens or architectural features such as atrium should be protected

Tarpaulin Improves Any Design Theme

Tarpaulin is versatile and can be used to come up with many designs and concepts easily. The fabric, corporate branding logo, inspirational messages, or abstract designs can be printed on it. Tarpaulin with colorful motifs is printed and used by companies to match the designs; digital printing is used. This way, photos and graphics help to bring to life plain tarp structures. Tarpaulin can also be backlit with LED lights for an amazing effect to enhance the overall outlook.


Tarpaulin is becoming a popular choice for office designs because of its industrial appeal and versatility of its uses. It is water resistant, strong, and adds a layer of depth through texture and its ability to naturally absorb sound it will not allow. These characteristics have a low cost, easy installation and transforming ability, offering the opportunity of flexible spaces. Organizations that are seeking for a less formal and more artistic look and feel have started using tarpaulin because it looks elegant as well as it comes with other benefits. Tarpaulin brings playfulness and randomness into the offices to foster creativity and productivity in people’s work.

Also Read: https://koki.uk/

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